Why a gratitude journal keeps me balanced - JTWONGGG
I can’t recall who or what inspired me to start noting down the things I’m grateful for, but over the past 4 years, I’ve been writing in a gratitude journal diligently every night before I sleep. It’s been the best decision! For something that has been such a big part of my life since 2014, I thought I’d give it a shoutout. So perhaps, you can try it out too. What is a gratitude journal? A daily journal where you note down all the things you’re grateful or thankful for. It doesn’t have to be a physical journal, it could be online, or on the notes of your phone. How do you get started? There isn’t really a trick for that really, all you have to do is think of the things that happened over the day, and note down those that you’re thankful for. There is plenty to be thankful for, if you really think about it. Like a nice home-cooked meal at the end of the day, good weather, a nice catch-up with friends, or a simple act of kindness you received from somebody. I like to make a list and just name all the things throughout the […]