Looking back at my 2015 - JTWONGGG
I thought it would be nice to take some time to look back at my year so far, before welcoming 2016 with open arms. Each year seems to go by faster and faster and it’s really to scary to imagine how much time has gone past. As you grow older, you are also more sensitive to time passing. I guess it’s natural then, to feel that time is going faster and faster. “The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” – Earl Nightingale 1. Turning 21 It was fun celebrating all my friends’ 21st birthdays, but somehow when it got to mine, it felt awkward. It’s strange to think that I’m no longer a teenager, especially since I don’t feel too different on the inside after turning 21. It’s definitely a milestone though, despite most of my friends not being able to vote during this year’s election pfft hahaha. As Gerald has reminded, we’re going to be the oldest first-time voters during the next election omg. 2. Celebrating 5 years with Yibo I absolutely cannot believe we’ve been together for about a quarter of our lives hahaha. I’ve known […]