My reflections on 2019 - JTWONGGG
As the years go by, I feel like life gets less about the milestones, and more about the personal journey. It sounds cheesy as hell but it’s true. Less of big personal events like graduation, my first job, an anniversary, or whatever, and more of how I’m progressing through life, be it mentally, physically, whatever. So I thought instead of naming this ‘my highlight reel’ or ‘why I loved 2019′, I decided to make this a reflective piece. Here goes: My first half and full marathon I’ve hated running for as long as I remember. Hell, I think I still don’t enjoy it as much as most people. By letting Yibo talk me into signing up for not just a half-marathon, but a full-ass marathon (!!!) is proof that the mind is stronger than we think. I’ve probably overcome about a million negative thoughts and mental barriers to be able to complete both those races, in April and November respectively. The months of training were so draining and I was so scared I’d fade out during the marathon but ultimately, those worries were for nothing! I’m so proud of myself, and Yibo, for keeping to our training commitments, and achieved this milestone together. Next […]