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Why do we feel guilty about taking a break?

17th August 2018

We always have this obsession with efficiency and making the most of the time we have. We always complain about how little time we have in a day, and how much we have to do.

Articles like these are everywhere, and there is a reason that they work: How to get abs in 30 days; How to prepare a meal under 30 minutes; 5 things successful people do to get productive.

why can't we take a break

I’ve also fallen into this trap – feeling the constant need to be productive and accomplish a thousand things in a day.

How come we don’t stress the same importance on taking a break? Taking a breather and relaxing should be on everyone’s to-do list.

You don’t have to feel like you’re on your death bed to call in sick. You also don’t have to feel guilty or anxious when you’re not doing anything “productive”. It’s okay some days to just catch up on your shows, lie around in bed playing your mobile games, or just sleep in till it’s the afternoon!

Let yourself rest.

why can't we take a break