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Looking back at my 2015

31st December 2015

I thought it would be nice to take some time to look back at my year so far, before welcoming 2016 with open arms. Each year seems to go by faster and faster and it’s really to scary to imagine how much time has gone past.

As you grow older, you are also more sensitive to time passing. I guess it’s natural then, to feel that time is going faster and faster.

“The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”
– Earl Nightingale

1. Turning 21

It was fun celebrating all my friends’ 21st birthdays, but somehow when it got to mine, it felt awkward. It’s strange to think that I’m no longer a teenager, especially since I don’t feel too different on the inside after turning 21.

It’s definitely a milestone though, despite most of my friends not being able to vote during this year’s election pfft hahaha. As Gerald has reminded, we’re going to be the oldest first-time voters during the next election omg.

2. Celebrating 5 years with Yibo

I absolutely cannot believe we’ve been together for about a quarter of our lives hahaha. I’ve known this guy since I was 15!

It’s amazing all the milestones we have been through together, within which we have also made through some obstacles and challenges. Like battling ‘A’ Levels, graduating from the school where we met, going through NS while I entered university etc.

And soon we’d both be in the workforce, hopefully doing the things we enjoy. I’m so impressed with us just having gone through the challenges of time, and I look forward to us getting to a point in our lives where a mere 5 years would seem short.

3. Going on my first trip without my family | & going on our first couple’s trip

Of course, what would a 5-year relationship mean if we didn’t experience going on holiday together? We got to spend every single minute with each other for almost 3 weeks while traveling around Europe and London.

(If you want to see all my Europe posts: x)

Haha I’ve read and heard that traveling together as a couple can be really testing, and I guess Yibo and I did pretty well! Yibo may beg to differ, but that is his story to tell… It was really cool that we got to see so much together on our first trip together, and I’m sure it won’t be our last 🙂

Being interdependent on each other while being overseas also meant that even if we fought, we had to make up right away because you can’t just walk away hahah. The trip was a good memory 🙂

4. My first school exchange experience & living overseas on my own

How high quality are these iPhone photos btw?!

I’m aware that there are school exchange opportunities offer all through primary school to JC, but well I finally got interested enough to apply for a summer programme at Imperial College London for this summer holidays.

I’m thankful for Hazel, who was my partner-in-crime in London, we did so much and shared so many memories in London :’) I also gained much insights by working with my multinational project group mates, and got many unforgettable experiences from getting to live overseas on my own.

5. Making my first solo flight

Yes I’ve gotten through 21 years without having been on a flight alone or without my parents, so I was a little anxious when I was making my way back to Singapore from London. But I guess I did pretty well! I managed to wheel and manoeuvre my 29kg suitcase by myself to the airport, and successfully touched down back home 🙂

It’s a tiny milestone, but nevertheless still one!

6. Starting my final year in university

How did 4 whole semesters just go by like that?! Each semester time just flies. I’ve said this enough. Thankful for this lovely bunch that I got to know through CNM, and thankful that they make every semester much more bearable and even enjoyable at times hehe.

Can’t believe Hazel and Wanxian are already done with school! Adli is taking his gap sem to do an internship, so this coming Y3S2 will leave just Kin and I. I’m so scared to even think about graduation wowwww. Finding a job will be a milestone for 2016.

What an eventful 2015.

I’ve never really done a look-back post before and I must say it is quite refreshing to reflect upon the year. I’ve had so many adventures this year, and experienced many ‘first  times‘. A simple wish for 2016: To be happy.

REALISTICALLY THOUGH, I hope to find a job, or at least a job I enjoy lolol kthxbai.